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tv   KRON 4 Morning News  KRON  April 1, 2013 7:00am-10:00am PDT

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backflipfls and cartwheels.mile? love, wa, rmth. here, retry this. mmmm, ok! ching!g! i likeli the fact that there's lotslo of different tastes going on. mmmm!! breakfaskft i'm vem ry impressed. this is ia great cereal! honey buy nches of oats. i hei ar you crunching. (male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> the morning, it is 78 am and a live look at storm tracker 4 shows hours, some of the moderate to heavy falling in the east bay. parts of sampras's go are also under the gun. we'll get a complete with that forecast in just a minute. >> we have a hot spot in vallejo. >> we have a fatal accident which means a long investigation and they have sat down the eastbound lanes which means a beach or on
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the city's streets along with interstate 780. a bigger problem though is the east shore freeway. in this state 80 westbound has had no less than five incidents already westbound backing up the traffic always is san paulo league down to berkeley with a 33 minute drive time. that is five minutes over what a normal commute ride would be, an hour from now. a sore commute than usual for interstate 880 westbound which is lighter traffic at the bay bridge. >> see all the on your screen? that indicates moderate to heavy rains. it is really coming down in berkeley, oakland and alameda. this system is pushing from south to north. heavier rain is on the way to else the browns a and 7:16 a.m., then all 721.
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keep this in mind as you have to work or school. we as a light rain for the mid peninsula for those of you coming off of the san mateo bridge. taking a look at your day planner, said bridges are currently in the '50s. showers what and earlier this afternoon and temperatures will climb into six days. will the potential for a seen a stray showers as late as your evening ride home. full details on what to expect, unsettled weather at a bus coming up in my next report. >> as shoppers at a wal- mart were shocked to see a car ran into the front of the store and then the driver to get out and start consulting customers. it happened 11:00 sunday morning and will tran as at that wal-mart with the latest on what happened. >> people are still scratching their heads. the assaults of plays right behind me, his car went through here which is why is all boarded up. they still
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obviously have to make permanent repairs. at a slight case in front stop him. he got out, reportedly grabbed a metal object and started going after many people. here is video, at this happened when the board shopping easter sunday morning. you could still see his car, and he was circling the parking lot and then cut through an open path makes a hard right turn, goes inside an attack about three customers. he also attacked employees with a metal pipe. according to some of the blaze outside, they talk to him. when the blaze was taken to hospital in serious condition, he should recover from his injuries. a lot of people are still confused. a lot of cash registers even behind this the gate were still afraid. we had a chance to talk to an employee at here's what she had to say about what she saw and heard.
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>> i was shut up. i'm glad everyone is ok but i was really shook up. >> what are you doing at the time? >> i was coming out of the rest room and i saw a bunch of people rushing towards me at all i heard was gone. i opened up the exit doors so everybody could get out. that might you heard the gun? >> you heard gun? >> that is what i heard but that is not what he had. he did not say a word. >> he was just houses of what happened and rushed to the aid of the injured people. they held these as bag down and saw officers arrived on the scene. ec all those cards? he would not have been able to get three- year and those cards had been there. for what ever reason, it was empty and he got through the columns there and may be hard right
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turn and to the store. all we know is that he is a man in his 30's. police are not releasing his name. they'll be doing blood tests on him and interview him. he was taken to the hospital, treated and arrested. >> police in san and cisco are investigating a shooting on a muni bus. at the last night around 10:00 on mission and valencia streets. some people were shot, a female was shot in the stomach and a man was shot in the leg while on the new beat no. 14 bus. all the items were taken to zebras as the general with not life-threatening injuries. police are looking for the shooter. also in san francisco, 5 people are in police custody following the shooting of another big jump. this was at man cell and boat been. the that is being identified as a 24 year-old male lead undergo surgery it's a life- threatening injuries. live
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from eyes on the suspects have been released as police did the there an investigation into the shooting. starting today three bay area counties in iran, a seven sale, and santa clara will implement countywide tax increases. the sales tax and rent is going up to 8.5% from 5.2. as an a tale of how these guys will not be and 9% up from 8.5%. santa clara will now be 8.75%. what is it is a cross the bay area and nearby from sacramento to campbell are having their sales tax rates. sales tax website ca not the view is the breakdown of what cities are raising their sales tax. the small percentage sales tax increases for most purchases or remai will need jua few pennies but it adds
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about making big their purchases for example the ad for examplee. after a long stris sampras as those of the will be buying again tomorrow. this after this of his administration and musicians reach an agreement on a new 26 month contract. the bonds rite aid wants the full orchestra and board of governors to take a look at it, that is when the details of the contract will come out. the musicians will return to the stage tomorrow night at davies symphony hall for the first of the week what series of 3 ounces for severance as those elementary school children. those of you had to guess this shows that were canceled because of the strike and either stands in for an upcoming concert or get a refund. the ban o
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>> it is starting to back off all but out here, it is dry out. we still have about 12 hours to make sure that that tarpley on the field was pulled off. let's take a look at some video from over the weekend. they played their rivals, the giants. it is opening day here at the coliseum. it will be brougbrett andersen. they won 94 games and ultimately won the american league west. as i sat, for the giants they will open up against rival
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the dodgers today and serve as a ravine. matt cain at pars is clayton car shot. that is at 1 05. then giants have decided they will open the gates to at&t park. the mistake, over and watch the game on the big screen. it will not cost them anything. the fans and celebrate opening day. 705 v m four first pitch at 0-codes today. >> the giants are premature repeat for the same. there is rose coming out and of course lots of basketball to talk about what the final four is shaping up right now. we'll leave back with [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room...
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that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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watching wall street, the dow is down 20 points. watch the latest with silicon valley with companies expanding their headquarters to recruit new talent. the high-tech companies in silicon valley are try to make the workplace more fun and exciting. apple's plan is based headquarters there will be a world-class auditorium in an orchard for engineers to water and. facebook is putting final touches on a disney inspired campus including a main street with a barbecue
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shack, as if she house and a bike shop. new silicon valley headquarters or expenses are under way at most of the area's major firms, including ebay, and so, lincoln, microsoft, netflix, and the video and oracle. apple 1768 per acre campus will be one the world's largest workplaces. >> this week bay's boat is expected to unveil its widely rumored smart bomb. insiders have speculated that facebook will partner with aids ec release is marked on running a highly customized version of the will android operating system. the fund is expected at a 4.3 a screen and front and rear cameras. 16 gb of storage and plenty of built- in facebook features. and house and is expected on thursday. this is not the first time facebook has teamed with acc on facebook from. the president in 2011 with the giants also falls was considered a failure and sales were consequently discontinued after a few months.
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>> then every at 7:13 a.m., more news in a minute. you know what sounds good right now?
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a massage from your sister? what? what? food... alright, let's go to my place and grab some late night munchie meals. for six bucks we can get a bunch of stuff. halfsie fries, 2 tacos, a drink you can drink, and one of 4 awesome new entrées, like the stacked grilled cheese burger. let's do it. let's do it! weeeee! but, i can't fly! not with that attitude! >> 7168 m in the golden gate bridge is pretty crowded, a good thing they have that fasttrack only thing. a reading is moving smoothly
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but there's a lot of fog and drizzle. we will check with erik and the second of first to george. >> we hope for a lighter than usual commute the rain is likely the cause of a number of accidents and hot spots. looking first at the closure of 780 eastbound at columbus parkway in the vallejo area bleeding over toward the knees up. a fatal accident occurred. because of that the eastbound lanes have been shut down. there is a city street beats or around but it is causing minor delays here. it is backed up all the way to columbus parkway. the east shore freeway, 33 to 38 minute drive time for the lower east shore freeway. we have had numerous incidents for the east shore freeway ride. that is why it is so badly back up. the problem in san francisco board to 80
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shows slow traffic on the southern freeway coming up from daly city toward the 281 01 interchange. the east shore freeway accidents have taken pressure off the bay bridge but the westbound ride is slow enough as it is. the 880 approach is not backed up much, up 14 minute wait. 16 to 18 minutes drive time coming out of the macarthur maze. this >> tale bridge ride is not really slowed, still 11 to 13 minutes drive time here. the golden gate bridge, 1 01 southbound a wet ride across the span but the drive through iran is not unusually bad. it is still under 35 minutes from about of the golden gate bridge. >> expect scattered showers even into the afternoon hours. we are contending with a pretty heavy downpour mainly in the east bay. storm tracker for all lit up this way with the heavier
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rain concentrated in the center of the bay. one berkeley, oakland, richmond up to promote all yellow. the storm track will show in the heaviest rain is added to our area. it looks like albany has a heavier rain headed your way at 7238 am. hercules, the yellow will be over your area about 7:44 a.m., keep that in mind if you're headed to workers cool. we have a heavy rain in walnut creek, concord at 242 right where it meets at interstate 680. the and then fled, sampras got all under the green. we're seeing pretty light rain here under the san mateo bridge. rain at for the southern half of the bay area, keep that in mind for out the portion of the day. you will need your
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umbrellas, scattered showers even and the forecast for later on today. satellite and radar shows the direction of the system. it is approaching from the south and upward towards the bay area. this area of low pressure will continue to press its way east. we had a lot of instability yesterday with pop up thunderstorms for the north bay. some of our east the interior locations. thunderstorms today, fog and cloud cover and light to moderate rain. future cast four shows in the 8:00 hour, they could continue see rain for the delta and livermore valleys. in fremont, sauer activity will not pick up in the north bay until 10:00 a.m. this morning. no more yellows of the heavy rain looks to be out of here. it looks like just a stray showers into the afternoon hour. 8:00 p.m. tonight, we're looking at dry weather are around the entire bay area. rainfall totals of the past 24 hours we have
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received almost and hoand ends n santa rosa. we have seen quite derange the distil the driest year on record for san francisco. keep that might even though we are contending with rain today. scatters hour drive the weekend but we're stiltimber jud average with the upper 50s and fair fell in antioch. 61 san francisco, upper 50s daly city. 7 day around the bay forecast coming up in just a minute. i want to say the baseball forecast. opening day at zero that co coliseum first pitch at 7:05 p.m. with temperatures in the '50s. dry weather just- in-time bring game time, warmer weather as we head closer to wednesday. wet weather returns to the forecast by thursday and we are tracking another system approaching from the eastern
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pacific. friday looks to be dry under partly cloudy skies. we have another round of wet rather transitioning into the weekend. gear up and keep those umbrellas handy for those april showers. >> the national rifle association is set to announce its recommendations for preventing gun violence at schools tomorrow. the nra first announced the national school shield program in december in response to the new town conn school massacre. a website pledge to report back with a set of school safety proposals. the report will include trading recommendations to prepare armed guards at schools and legislative proposals for congress. >> we believe fog is to blame for this massive accident and virginia. 95 cars and trucks including big rig is and some caught fire. three people were killed, more than two dozen
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people were injured in this accident that happened in carroll county. that is near the north carolina line on interstate 77. it happened late yesterday morning and they did not have the roads cleared from this big accident until earlier this morning. >> we will take a break at 722 a am a live look outside the bay bridge toll plaza where traffic is backed up just a bit. you can see, it is wet out there. we will be right back. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> 727 a m and the easter bunny got busted for not obeying the rules of the road on saturday. the california highway patrol says this man was not wearing a helmet law riding a motorcycle on the san diego freeways of the officer pulled him over. the monies that he was on his way to an easter charity event. he got morning and know to get this time. he also got a lecture to always wear a helmet. your vision is probably obstructed so it's probably not the best thing to be on the road with that. >> doesn't yet provide a helmet covered?
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>> also making the news today u.s. a few regulators are investigating complaints that the rear suspension frames can rest and caused problefailures on how i stood ot of midsize cars. the problem affects about 393,000 cars from the 2006 through 2008 model years. the national highway traffic safety ministrations as it is received six complaints of suspension failures with three happening at highway speeds. agency says arrest and a friend and cost control arm failures. no crashes or injuries were reported. >> 7:28 a.m. and we'll be back in a couple of minutes. gary radnich coming out so if you can hold out a way, what do.and the way, then do.
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at uatniversveity of phoenx we know the value of your education is where it can take you. [now arriving: city hospital] which is why we're proud to help connect our students with leading employers across the nation.. with leading employers across [next stop financial center]
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of coflaritin-d.d. it sta srts working in just 30 minutes. nothnoing relieves nasal congestion faster or stronger.. to get g claritin-d, blow past the shelves and god straight to the pharmacy counter.
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>> interstate 80 east shore probably suffered some of the slowest traffic we have. 780, the road has not shut down for eastbound lanes in vallejo. traffic is squeaking by on the right- hand shoulder at this fatal accident. no indication yet as to when it will open a lanes. understate 80, it jumped to 38 minutes. it is jammed from the upper 2 lower east shore freeway. there have been five or six different incidents this morning. they started in the 5:00 hour. it is a slower than usual ride. we still
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have delays be reported coming into sam francisco from 280 northbound. an earlier occurring incident is clear from the traffic lanes. >> we're starting with the live look at storm tracker 4. net showers activity or downpour. you can see not much is san jose, just like rain around los gatos. turning our attention to berkeley, richmond, oakland, alameda all under the yellow and getting moderate to heavy rain. using sound track to see when heavier rain will arrive in your neighborhood, it action looks like most of it is in richmond right now. it could have to vallejo shortly. rodeo's 79, hercules 746. keep that in mind as you have to work or school. you can see where we are seeing those showers, light rain in san francisco and the coast line including pacifica.
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turning our attention to the headlines, we will dry things out into the afternoon. we could see breaks of sunshine with temperatures in the '60s. tomorrow, a dry weather pattern is restoring to the bay area with mostly sunny skies and warm weather as we push into wednesday. we have unsettled weather and the extended forecast. we are also talking slight delays at as f o r riding flights. the leg is 58 minutes due to poor visibility. more and your extended forecast in just a few minutes. >> we have a story for you where a man rammed his car into the front of the wal- mart is started assaulting the customers. it had been around 11:00 sunday morning. will tran is at the same. >> i was a the damage she left behind. it is all boarded up and this is
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actually what of the entrances. they want to make permanent repairs. his car plowed through here and was stopped by a beard is light. he got out and grab a metal pipe and when after several deepthe bowl. one was taken to hospital with serious injuries. they believe he will be five no. here is what is of the car inside the wal-mart at the time. he went there and opening and a hard right turn and came inside here. they still do not know why he did it. the police apartment is still trying to connect the dots and see if he knew the victims or this was simply random. before he went into the store, apparently he was driving around the parking lot going straight at several cars almost hitting them before he decided to go on this rampage. there were employees inside at the time and we talked to one woman who was working yesterday. >> i just came out of the
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rest room and a rush of people rallied towards me. all i heard was done. i opened up the exit doors so everyone could get out. >> you heard gun? >> that is what i heard but he did not have a gun. >> this year a loud crash or bad? >> running and screaming. >> were you still confused? i'd imagined i would be confused and not all yet, i was writing really fast. >> this is as bad luck for the employees and customers. all the cards that weren't there for what reason were not there yesterday. that provided the opening for him to get in there. it would then not impossible if the cards were there. are dying for him, bad timing for the customers. the ball at the
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registers are afraid. there in the line of fire. as far as this man, he is described as a man in his 30's. they're not releasing his name. he was taken to hospital and treated for minor injuries and then arrested. they will do a whole bunch of tests on him. >> we will wait for more information from san jose police. thank-you >> we can learn today whether prosecutors in colorado will seek the death penalty for cues are or movie theaters shooter james holmes. court documents reveal homes as lawyers offered a guilty plea in exchange for avoiding the death penalty. prosecutors rejected the offer last week. holmes is charged with killing 12 people and wounding 58 inside the aurora, colorado theater last year.
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authorities are working to clean up an oil spill and arkansas after pipeline ruptured in mayflower arkansas. and exxon mobil pipe lines from a leak friday afternoon and a small city about 20 mi. northwest of little rock. the pipeline has since been shut off. this bill forces authorities to evacuate dozens of homes. oil spilled onto the roads and lawns, but it's unclear exactly how much. this bill was an x on mobile pipeline that originates in illinois and carries crude oil to the texas gulf coast. this bill is not bringing attention to the fight over the keys don't x l pipeline which could reach even dirtier crude from the canada to the gulf coast. a protest against a white light is plan for their is a and atherton were present obama will be attending a fund- raiser. >> 6 hernandez and the
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seattle mariners are in oakland for tonight's opening day match up with the a.l. west champion a's. it's fitting that hernandez will make his season debut against the athletics. strange as it sounds, hernandez the a's on opening day three times last season first in the opening game in tokyo, again as seattle's 2012 safeco field baby of, and once more back in oakland for the a's home opener. the a's will stand righend brett anderson to the mound to face the mariners. first is tonight at the zero dacko coliseum is at 7:05 p.m..
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>> some 35,000 people are expected to attend. 14,000 died at for the children on the white house grounds. >> kilpatrick among the celebrities that were there. the wrecking of the easter egg roll any moment now. this is 83500 year tradition that could have been canceled because of the budget battles in washington. the doors have been called off because of government spending cuts. this event which is largely sponsored by selling commemorative wooden eggs. it is the hundred and 30 of six egg roll --136th
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aggro. we will be back as the kron4 news continues.
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aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. >> we continue our hot, mounter hot spots this morning. used in the columbus on rap and the dedicated lane, traffic coming down from columbus parkway is getting by on the right hand shoulder. it is a
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fatal accident investigation under way. that is why traffic is still jammed up. after numerous earlier occuring problems on the east shore freeway, traffic is still jammed up from san paulo down to berkeley with a 33 minute drive time currently. we have saved about five minutes off of it. and so did the roadway completely clear of this incident, we may continue to see slower than normal traffic. the rights is san mateo bridge, highway 92, traffic almost at a standstill at the toll plaza and the westbound direction. we did notice there was slow traffic over the high-rise but we have not seen any incidents reported that would account for these major delays and how. if you try to get over the dumbarton bridge, it will make a much better alternate. the golden gate bridge 1 01 southbound is still a problem free ride through marin. a wet track ball through the county and across the golden gate bridge. >> we are seeing shower
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activity for the north bay. we saw that and your last out of the golden gate bridge. the entire stretch of highway approaching the bridge and into san francisco. an oakland, right around the bay bridge toll plaza we want to use our storm track will see when the heavier rain is expected to arrive in your area. the yellow on your screen coverage and revell at 70 4:00 a.m., albany 8:03 a.m. and the richmond area by 8:12 a.m.. and walnut creek encountered in nothing in the san ramon valley. we of heavy rain sitting over the water. it could approach san leandro up shortly. he been mined user when chilled wipers through out the morning commute. scattered showers through out the day, keep that in mind and the chances diminish and the afternoon. we saw out a lot of instability, pop up
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isolated showers are a possibility. the dry starts the year so far since we have been keeping records in the 1850's. temperatures and a mild side, 55 san francisco, 54 concord. and it's got in el temperatures will reach into the '60s, right around seasonal average. warmer weather as we pushing closer to wednesday. unsettled weather returns for the thursday and we catch a dry break by friday. wet weather is back in the forecast saturday into sunday. >> i went over and i was wide to help him up and all the sudden i saw what was literally almost threw up. he landed >> he landed, i heard it and then i saw what happened come out and i equally just
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fell. i almost didn't feel not been and it was really hard for me to pull myself together. i did not ever think emily years i would see something like that. >> he did pull it together. let's go to the videotape. this was an amazing when after kevin where wet down. there he is on the sideline. when he first went down, he landed awkwardly and he was not in the foreground of the action. he was doing a block and i was looking towards the basket and they had and cbs ran in slow motion what happened. they showed it twice. i'm looking at it in slow motion and i can see something estrange with this bomb. they got they did not really zoom in on that, if you want to see it go on the internet and see it. i can barely take a close-up shot.
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they just can join shot a player after player and coach and people openly weeping. just shocked that this. do we have gary hackyet? he had surgery last night, they're calling it a success. he is a sophomore, they say this should not be a career ending injury for him. while the is on the sidelines all he is saying is just win the game, just when the game. can you believe this? were you watching as it happen? >> i give you credit for not showing it. you did not have this show it. >> i wanted to see the replay, i did not see what happened, it was on the side of the screen. i looked twice when they showed it and then they stopped showing it. >> when you see coaches, he has in doing this 40 years, they have seen everything. when you see their eyes
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water, that is rough stuff. >> did you see the light? from a distance? >> yes. >> have ever seen anything like that? >> again, this is one of those deals were people who do this for a living say this is one of the worst injuries ever seen. it immediately invoked that the no-fly zone, and of your member that. made '80s when lawrence taylor broke his leg on monday night football. when you see the kids cry like that, both teams, that is as scary. >> then they go on >> at they had surgery last night, did they say anything else? >> yes yes 3, he is expected to recover and it should not be tahrir and in. the need bart is he is going to go with the scene and be in atlanta. that is his home town. it is kind of a nice thing.
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>> he is glad to recover to the point where he can travel. >> he can play again, he is a sophomore. i am wondering what you think, louisville was this big powerhouse going in. now are they did seem to root for? the boat for the real underdothe new lowe real underdog, wichita? >> i think that which it thought was still be the underdog. this is going to sound, it is terrible what happened but if he was a really well known guy or the effort at all american leader of the scene, more people would respond. this is not, louisville went on to win the game anyway. >> i know exactly what you're saying.
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>> i think with the top would be the sentimental favorite. it will not take away the pain of that young guy. i'm sure will come out with louisville still being the favorite. >> are any of these on your brackets? >> i don't have any brackets. i am one of the people that not gamble. i am thy guy that you know that actually lived in las vegas. i've seen too many guys, i'm a half plaplaying saying 75 euro guys with their raising phonright scene forms folded. >> i want to see the bill when and pulled off the amazing best biggest upset in the history. >> there any brighter
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career and early inferred brighter. men or women and college, schuyler and begins is a little girl and well as a little girl, don't get mad. she is 21 years old and have very attractive young lady and burning up twitter. >> remember the coach's wife that was burning out twitter? now he could be coming to you as see. they talked over the weekend. >> that was the big deal. the offer is the coach of ucla, he left new mexico. >> wayit, 72 hours later he says he is leaving after he said he would stay where he was forever.
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>> i always ask you, anything new this morning? >> no way matt as we can. deal with the know about buster posey deal. and what it is opening day >> it is opening day. we'll be in los angeles awaits of friday's game in sampras's go to be home. today opening at 0 dacko. >> dad, doctors and oakla [ anouncer ] ihop is in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4.99. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! don't stress. we can figure this out. [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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>> four people are injured when a driver crashed his vehicle into a san jose wal mart then assaulted people in the store. now investigators are looking into what prompted the attacked.
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he got out. we spoke to one of the witnesses. >> you did not see the car. so i thought that it was maybe an older person. however it was a younger person and i started chasing him. he hit me and i hit him with my cane. it took about seven-eight people show us your injuries. >> is right here. mainly just a bruise. i guess i am
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used to it. >> reporter: you can see that they are still a bet hesitant and in the line of fire. as far as this man and the only thing that they are saying is that he was driving a round the parking lot. probably getting close to is no detained in the san jose police department. >> thank-you. police say a man drove into
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police in san francisco are investigating a shooting it happened last night around 10 on mission and valencia streets. two victims were the stomach while the man was shot in the leg while on the muni number 14 bus. both victims were taken to s-f general hospital with non-life threatening injuries. police say the shooting happened as the result of an argument. arrested. also in san francisco, five people are in police custody following the shooting of another victim. police say this incident happened around mansell and bowdoin. the victim is being male who had to undergo surgery due to life threatening injuries. no information on the suspects have been released as police continue their investigation into this shooting. and in oakland police are investigating a string of separate shootings over the weekend that leaves three men dead. the latest happened a little after eight last night on the corner of 70th avenue and hawley street. this follows a shooting that happened shortly after four on the 89-hundred block of international boulevard. the first shooting happened around ten yesterday morning on the 24-hundred block of 68th street. when police arrived they found a man suffering from gunshot wounds. he was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. any of the shootings.
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>> we will check the weather when we come back.
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>> there have been weather heavier weather cells. we will have your forecast,
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coming off. >> after a long strike the san francisco symphony will begin playing again tomorrow. this after the symphony's administration and musicians reached an agreement on a new 26-month contract. the full orchestra and board of governors take a look at it, that is when details of the contract will come out. the musicians will return to the stage tomorrow night at davies symphony hall, for the first of a week long series of free concerts for san francisco's elementary school children. those of you who had tickets to shows that were cancelled because of the strike can either exchange them for an upcoming concert or get a refund. interstate-80, this was a tour bus these flames 3 80 ft. high! toward catching trees on fire this just in
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to the kron 4 news room. they want him executed. they just announced the intentions to seek the death penalty. they rejected an offer from his attorney to not have the death penalty. however, he is charged with multiple attempts of murder on the midnight screening of the batman movie in aurora, colorado. a judge entered a not fre guilty plea on behalf of james holmes. the 780.g up the accidenon
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[ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids? it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv
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all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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when yenour allergies start, doctdoors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every dayy duridung your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 day ds! 17 d17ays!s! 22 days of continuous relief.. liveli claritin clear.r. every erday.y. >> welcome back. 8:3:00 p.m. taking the live look at the golden gate. you can see the fog and heavy rain. on the golden gate. >> there are a couple of hot spots. here in vallejo on
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interstate 780 of the short connection freeway from the 82 to 680 from all vallejo towards benicia there have been lanes shut down because of and the fatal accident. the lanes that were shut down are now slowly reopening it will return to normal slowly. there have been numerous problems along the east shore freeway. many are gone but the traffic is still recovering. it should be closer to about 26-28 minutes. and slowing again at what happened on northbound 280 towards san francisco with an accident that was clear about one hour ago. however, is starting to slow again near the accident. and the san
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mateo bridge it is slow all the way across the bridge from the 101. traffic is returning to normal. it is wet but not that slow. 6 mph. and from this update erica? >> good morning. not quite as bad as it was. the stormtracker 4 you can certainly see the yellow where we are seeing moderate/heavy. but not impacting the freeways. turning our attention to the freeways the entire east bayshore. from hercules towards berkeley and emeryville indicating light rain. the showers tapering off. highway no. 4 including the bypass. it really depends on blair wrote it is located. the yellow could be
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impacting the yellow shore line. portions of san leandro and downtown san francisco. for the rest of the bay area it is dry for the most part but the showers still, by 9:00 a.m. still possibly true fairfield. the showers will be spotty. throughout the course of the morning. they will taper off and partly cloudy skies and breaks of sunshine. let us take a look at our rainfall totals in the past 24 hours. pretty impressive. s f o, nearly one-quarter of 1 in. in the last 24 hours. one-quarter of 1 in. in concord.
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temperatures are currently in the 50s. there is a mild start and the seasonal average for this afternoon 50s in daly city and if you're going to go to the mariners' game tonight? expect temperatures in the mid upper 50s. dry weather for later. warmer weather for this week. thursday there is a system approaching from the eastern pacific with light trade. friday with light rain but it could be more showers for saturday and sunday. the nra is going to try to prevent the gun violence at schools.
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they announced a school shield program they had in mind of the month of december from the sandy hook tragedy. among the recommendations in this report are the training of armed guard at schools and the proposed legislation. this comes one week before the senate is expected to vote on the new laws for background checks. and a federal judge will enter whether or not stockton will be able to enter the bankruptcy if the federal bankruptcy law will tromped the local bankruptcy law population.
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>> this just in to the kron 4 news room the oakland has a new starting quarterback. it is expected to finalize these paperworks sending carson palmer to arizona and flynn will be the starter quarter back. >> vandals strike a high school track team and san ramon. they returned and found these high jump pads destroyed. this is going to be difficult saw the competitors are helping.
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smokers can safely use nicotine gum up for longer than previously recommended. the initialed or pork was saying that stopped using those products after " weeks but now they say that they can use these beyond 12 weeks. letting consumers know that they can use those for longer periods. as long as they are continuing to try to quit. this rainy morning. fog. 55 degrees 61. ♪
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>> welcome back. we hadn't weak manufacturing numbers impacting the marketing opening numbers. we have had some weak manufacturing numbers. >> speaking of business news silicon valley news are expanding their headquarters and a lot of them are making these changes to make the work place is more fun and
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exciting. trying to get the top-level employees at apple, for instance are going to make a amazing auditorium. and planting and orchard also, facebook is making a to is the inspired campus with sushi, barbecue, bicycle rental, a regular downtown main street u.s.a.. intel several silicon valley bcompanies many will be one of the wall charges work places. and maybe they will
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this is supposed that by 4.3 in. screened. 16 gb, with plenty of the features. we are waiting for the official announcement. this is not the first time when the party aircraft htc... partnered ---- h --tc.. ephratalso, the conde of mon hyundai sonata showing susepension issues.
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>> this golden gate bridge showed immense the commute. ♪ 97
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>> 838 m and a live look from our mt. tam cam. we're still getting a good amount of rain and that is impacting our commute. >> the east shore freeway and highway 24, east shore freeway very slowly recovering this morning. the westbound direction but the drive times are still running upwards of 28 minutes from hercules to berkeley. there been a few accidents westbound between noranda and lock bridge. we continue to see delays through the south bay with
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an easier than usual right here. this is perhaps the one place that we did see lighter than usual traffic. also, and had been a hot spot the right on 92 headed westbound over to foster city coming out of hayward. drive times are now dropping between 13 and 15 minutes as traffic here is returning to normal. >> we can have a mixed bag to talk about. we're completely dry in the south bay and scene breaks of sunshine. in the east bay and north bay, still contending with cloud cover, fog and rain to do as well. zooming and on storm tracker 4, the east shore freeway beginning in richmond all the way down to the bay bridge toll plaza we are contending with light rain. heavy rain in oakland, alameda. the better ride and concord and portions of highway 4. it is ready for your ride out highway 1 01 approaching the golden gate bridge. showers continue to
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move out of san francisco and we have dried up in the mid peninsula. taking a look at some of your weather headlines, drier conditions by later on today. we could see a stray showers headed into the evening hours. temperatures to climb into the 60s, as temperatures around the seasonal average. we'll move in the direction of warmer weather until we reach about wednesday. storm cloud pushing into thursday and another wet round of wet weather thursday of a way to saturday. >> authorities right now are working to clean up an oil spill in central arkansas after of pipeline ruptured and mayflower's arkansas. an exxon old pipelines from the late friday afternoon in this small city about 20 mi. northwest of little rock. the pipeline has since been shot off. the f spilled forced authorities to
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evacuate dozens of homes. oil spilled onto the roads and lawns of but it is unclear exactly how much. the breach was an exxon mobile pipeline that originates in the illinois each carries crude oil to the texas gulf coast. then ms. bell is not bringing attention to the fight over the keystone pipeline which will bring even dirtier crude oil from canada to the gulf coast. a protest against the pipeline is that is planned for thursday and atherton were president obama will be attending a fund-raiser. >> will tran is live at a wal-mart in east san jose where a man crashed the the front door. >> you can see the interest there is boarded up because the car plowed through there. the only reason he did not continue to drive through the store is because there was a beer display that stopped the car. here is video we got right after it happened, the car is soap was inside at wal-mart. people shopping inside had
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no idea what was going on. once again out of his car, he attacked a few customers and one and leave. we had a chance to talk to a witness, he was here at the time this all went down. here is what he had to say about what he saw and what he did. >> he was then there is slow and that metal object trying to get away. he was in a hurry to get out that door. >> you said he was stuck and the car? >> he was stuck in the car first, he tried open the door and did work, he smashed out the passenger window and crawl out of it. i thought he was just messed up and was glad to walk off. he didn't, he started to walk and the employees said something to him and he's landed in the head. >> and sell what he adds that the employee, you thought this was an accident? >> yes i thought it was at first. >> those barriers stop them from coming through this
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route, but where the cards are normally is still but maybe it was is that busy on sunday morning and that spot was empty. he managed to go through the columns, make a hard right turn and go through the place. the metal object according to a witness was in his car, he did not reach for it anywhere else. he said it was a club, a theft deterrent device. many other people subdued him before the police got here. the authorities are saying that he is a man in his 30's, they're not releasing his name. they will be running a lot of tests on him including mental. >> 8:35 a.m. and authorities have names to bay area man in connection with the theft of more than $1 million in gold from the siskiyou county court house historical collection. arrest warrants have been issued for 49 year-old david dean johnson of el
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cerrito and a 51 year-old scott win the league of else the brown tape. the two broken ago collection and yreka in february 2012. >> three people recovering after being attacked with the night at a party and run their part. it happened just before midnight on saturday, police were called out to a house party with more than 100 people there. officers cleared of the partygoers are aware that a fight broke out moments earlier. about two hours later, police received a call from the santa rosa and contra costa county kaiser emergency rooms reporting that three patients had knife wounds and reported that the wounds have been at the same party. please bring it to identify the suspect in the assaults. >> in antioch, as seven your boy is recovering this morning after being shot in the backyard of a home during a family barbecue. police say the boy was advising the bullet when a
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gunman opened fire on a gathering from a nearby overpass a little after 4 on saturday afternoon. investigators say the boy is expected to be okay and not believe he was the intended target. >> felix hernandez in seattle mariners are an open for tonight's opening day match up with the a.l. west champion a's. it is fitting that hernandez will make his season debut against the athletics. strange as it sounds, hernandez and face the a's opening day three times last season, first in the opening game in tokyo, again and seattle's 2012 est. coalfield debuted, then once more back in oakland for the a's home opener. the angels and brett andersons and mounds of paste the wrapped mariners. first is to add the zero dacko coliseum is at 7:05 p.m.. meanwhile, the standards as good giants start their
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season. delay the l.a. dodgers today at 110 at dodger stadium. but as we face as a will is cardinals for their home opener at at&t park on friday. >> friday, i think the rate will come back. we will keep you abreast of that. i think there may be a little clearing for one camera. we will have an update in just a minute.
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>> its opening day for baseball but it at the ballpark in the pricey, especially if you include the cost of food and drink to get through nine innings. cnn money survey barely 30 major-league teams and found out the costs for hot dogs and beer vary quite a bit, how the are of bay area ballparks' do? and that's and that newark's city feel shut out the most regular hot dog at $6.25 a pop. meanwhile, cincinnati reds watchers at great american ball parking get a dog for just about, this the best of any of the 26 ball parks that replied to the survey. meanwhile, thursday fans pay the most at washington national games where after the first pitch, the cheap is there available is a 16 oz can for $8. the best
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deal? a 14 oz beer for $4 at arizona diamondbacks chase field. some ballparks offer unique food opsins to cater to local taste buds, those items generally carry even higher price tags. at giants games, seat lovers can enjoy and $8.50 gravel of clam chowder or a $16.50 crab sandwich on san francisco sourdough bread. for those of the sweet tooth, the park offers a $10 deer valley hot fudge sundae. ghirardelli hot fudge sundae.
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ok so i've been having an affair of sorts with greek nonfat yogurt, loaded with protein 0% fat that thick creamy texture, i was in trouble. look i'm in a committed relationship with activia and i've been happy and so has my digestive system. now i'm even happier since activia greek showed up because now i get to have my first love and my greek passion together, what i call a healthy marriage. activia greek. the feel good greek. ♪ dannon >> we keep valuable information on our computers but we're just one graduate from losing a lot. >> a lot of our daily
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activity like the male is done on a cloud, could you imagine losing your entire photo collection? it yet been procrastinating backing up, it is easier now than ever before. ♪ >> 25 billion gb are generated every year. >> that is a lot of pictures of music and files. >> some people at one plan of their lives lose their hard drive. you never know when they're going to crash. >> that is gary even if you think you have nothing to lose. >> settings, applications that may be paid for that you don't have a disk for, those kind of things can be backed up. you may not miss them now, you will miss them later. the computer using it on, with a remote location like clouds service, three hard drive. >> i feel like prices really
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come down on hard drives, is there an excuse to not have an extra hard drive to back of your computer? >> you can get a terabytes with a concept that each and back up severa hundredlm al coms with with a hard drive under a hundred dollars. >> this is great for people to have a ton of fun. >> for extra piece of mind, use an on-line service like carbon night or crash plan. >> there is no warning when you lose your computer files. >> they will keep an encrypted copy of your hard drive and eat the cloud. >> the prices run about $60 a year. it will take some time to do the initial upload and after that it is automatic and he could sit back and relax knowing you are all backed up. if you want to know more, go to the tech report bought tv.
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>> we're tracking a storm that is going to the bay area right now, what erica following the weather. >> most likely the rest the hot spots are the result of the weather we have seen this morning. a number of accidents that especially in the east bay. a number of which are clear but they're still a back up from hercules the berkeley. 30 minutes drive time. through rack for a jet down to the macarthur maze, drive times of the caldecott tunnel are often 30 minutes here westbound. that is not all bay bridge traffic that is just jammed up getting into the maze. a lot of that slowing is for the east shore freeway. we still jim that getting into san francisco, not only on the 287 freeway but also 1 01 north. slow out of brisbane along the candlestick causeway as you head into
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downtown san francisco. the san mateo bridge had been a hot spot and is no longer. drive times are back to 11 to 13 minutes. it is drying out a bit here, that is good news. your ride to the golden gate bridge is not so drive. it is near would be the peak of traffic and the southbound direction. drive times their marin are still at about 38 to 39 minutes. not a bad ride off from nevada to the golden gate bridge. >> it is definitely a tale of two forecast in south bay completely dry conditions. we're also seeing partial clearing indicating where we're seeing some sunshine. plenty of fog and cloud cover and rain to talk about for the north bay and some of our east bay spots. we're starting to quiet things down on storm tracker 4. zemin and, you did see it light rain over the richmond sam revell bridge, the east shore freeway headed to the macarthur maze. heavier rain from alameda two san
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leandro. the heaviest rain is impacting the nimitz freeway this morning. sampras is go drying out, we're still under cloudy skies. we have areas of relatively dense fog. keep that in mind as you head to work or school. satellite and radar shows a bigger weather story were the showers are approaching from. you can see is moving in the general direction of south to north. there's still situated over shasta county and we will see often on scattered showers even headed into the afternoon. we will see some sunshine, no doubt about it should to task for tracking the rain. that can spotty showers mainly over the coast line. it looks like we will continue with scattered showers throughout most of the morning hours. 2:00 p.m., a chance for showers certainly diminishes. would like we're not saying anything out so ever by 9:00
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p.m. tonight. cloudy skies into the afternoon and 50s across the board. there build 56, 57 hayward and say house temperatures into the afternoon, plenty of 60s very low 60s san francisco, upper 60s for fairfield in antioch, daly city 59. 7 day around the bay forecast shows warmer weather headed into the weekend. by wednesday we could see some it '70s. rain returns on thursday and partly cloudy conditions for friday. we mix things up saturday and sunday and the return of april showers so keep your umbrella as andy. >> yosemite's curry village is back open and ready for spring and summer visitors. this is after being the sight of a deadly hantavirus outbreak last summer. the outbreak of the popular lodgings by killed three
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people and sickened 10 others. the virus is spread by rodent droppings. each year, thousands of people visit curry village which is made of a more than 400 campus and would cavan's very good sense for the hantavirus infections were found, are what's called the signature series cabins. the park service workers or remove more than 90 of those cabins in an effort to permanently stop the disease from spreading. there also cleaning the other cabins and working to educate and visitors about how hot the virus spreads. an cool doodle honoring cesar chavez instead of easter generates some controversy on twitter. google users to add to twitter to express their anger toward goals joys of commemorating what would have been cesar chavez's birthday rather than easter. on most days, the move wouldn't start much controversy. conservatives questioned why google decided to recognize the
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labor leader and not the easter holiday. users on twitter threatens illegal for being with has easter eggs on its home page. >> we have team coverage continuing of weather and traffic in just a few minutes. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about?
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and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> coming up on the kron4 morning news, for people are injured when a driver presses his vehicle into san jose wal-mart. investigators are looking into what prompted the rack. opening day baseball has the giants and had to los angeles to face the dodgers and athletics ready to take on the seattle mariners for their home opener. we're following a storm that is passing to the bay area, we will bring you more. [ man ] i got this citi thankyou card and started earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points?
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yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything. visit to apply.
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(male announcer) live from the bay area here is your kron 4 news >> thanks for joining us this monday april 1st, watching bay area weather, live looks here at traffic. tracking the storm around the bay area. more on the heavy rain but first here is at george. >> we have numerous hot
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spots this morning, the 780 problem is not cleared up. we're looking is slower than usual traffic both westbound interstate 80 and westbound highway 24. coming from the macarthur maze, it has been over 30 minutes for drive time trying to get down from the caldecott tunnel troops lacked raids on 24. then on to 580 westbound. that traffic is backing up for the east shore freeway because the 880 approach to the bridge is not at all. 14 minute drive times. we're still jammed up getting into san francisco from the south. 280 still slow coming out of daly city southbound. there's still backed up at brisbane along the candlestick parkway and the southbound direction as well. >> we're looking dry and the city, down for the south bay. we're looking at a pretty good heavy rains out impacting folks in the east bay, especially towards alameda. putting storm
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tracker year will show you where the rain will be heading at the next 15 to 20 minutes or so. we still see pretty good downpours coming out of these low systems. the yellow is a pretty good down point we are looking at. it looks like piedmont could be impacted at nine, 10 this morning. iran that 9:18 a.m. and kings and at 925. else abroad at 935 and these cells are generally will lead to the north. it looks like we did see some pretty good downpours coming through. last flooding is a slight possibility, i'm not too concerned with it. we're still seeing areas of light out toward richmond and san rafael pinole. the heavy stuff is out toward oakland and alameda and san leandro.
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this is a fairly fast-moving system. not allow moisture left once these cells go through. we'll talk more about that and also the next chance for more rain coming through with your seven day. >> this morning, we're following the latest out of san jose after a man drives his car into wal-mart and ends up attacking some of the customers inside. it happened yesterday morning at 11:00 a.m.. will tran is at the store >> the book cannot believe it. customers are arriving in their walking by that door there. that was no longer available to them. it is all boarded up. they obviously need to make permanent repairs, if this will be here for quite some time. we just got our hands on his mug shot, here is the driver. 33 years old this was given to us a couple of minutes ago from the san jose police department. he is 33 years old and frohaamid z,
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he was under the of loans of drugs. for whatever reason, the police department still do not have a motive. he manages to get through a couple of columns there in san jose at the wal-mart and make a hard right turn. he made a hard right turn in the only reason why he did not continue going through it is because there is a year display right in front. it stopped his car from going through. --beer this light. everyone thought it was a simple accident. it was not until he started attacking people that they realized it was deliberate. we talked to a man who helped arrest him. >> you did not see the car until after an explosion of staff came flying all over the place. i started running
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and bought an old person had a heart attack and drove to the doors. there was some young guy busting out of the window and running down the store with a metal pole. i saw him hit somebody in the have and i started to chase them. i hit him with my cane and about seven or eight people out taken down to the ground. >> it shows your injuries >> it's not much, you cannot see it anymore. even barely see a red line. i block of that arm, that is my blocking arm. >> unbelievable. he said this man was going to the store and ultimately he was arrested in the center of the place. other people saw that he was blocking with his arm and other people jump in and helped pulled the man down before the police got here and manage to arrest him. the employee that was actually hit with the club's demise was taken to hospital in serious condition. talk to some of his fellow co-workers and
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they said he should be fine. >> police in san francisco are investigating a shooting that happened on a muni bus around 10:00 on mission in valencia streets. two victims were shot, of being hela female was shot in the stomach while the man was shot in the leg while on muni bus no. 14. the victims were taken as sampras as the general hospital not life- threatening injuries. police say the shooting happened as a result of the argument. >> also and sampras is god, 5 people are in police custody following the shooting of another victim. police say this incident have been around mansell and bowdoin. the victim is being identified as a 24 year-old male who had to undergo surgery derrick due to life threatening injuries. no one from ice on the suspect that
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the release as police continued their investigation into the shooting. >> oakland police are investigating a string of separate shootings over the weekend at least three men dead. the latest happened a little after 8 last night on the corner of seventh avenue and holly street. this follows a shooting that happened shortly after 4 on the 88900 block of international boulevard. the bursting at and around 10 yesterday morning on the 2400 block of 68th street. police arrived and they found a man suffering from gunshot wounds. losing to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. no rest of the made in any of the shootings. >> starting today three berry at bay area counties marin, san mateo and santa clara will and some implement countywide sales tax increases. the sales tax and rent is going up to 8.5 from 8.25. san mateo county tax will now be 9% up from 8.5%. santa clara will not
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be 8.75%. when these cities across the bay area and beyond from sacramento to campbell are raising their sales tax. you can check out the sales tax at the state's website ca doubt god's is the breakdown of what cities are raising their sales tax. a small percent sales tax increase for most purchases will meet as a few pennies but it adds up when making bigger purchases. it does add up when you make big ticket purchases. >> d lights hernandez and the seattle mariners are in oakland for tonight's opening day match up with the a.l. west champion a's. it is sitting at her and islamic his season debut against the athletics. strange as it sounds, hernandez face the is an opening day three times last season first in the opening game in tokyo, again in seattle's 2012 est. coalfield the debut, then one more back in oakland for the a's home opener. the a's will stand brett andersen's
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the mounds of paste the mariners. first chance tonight at the zero dacko coliseum is 7:05 p.m.. meanwhile sam is as good as are their season. matt cain that will make his first opening day start. though by the l.a. dodgers today at 110 at dodger stadium. the giants will be facing is a louis cardinals for their home opener at at&t park on friday. >
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>> light rain coming down on the reds in san revell bridge, a little heavier now. rain showers spreading around the bay right now, we're keeping our eye out. >> the san francisco symphony is playing again. this after the city's administration and musicians reach an agreement on a new 26 month contract. the contract may change once the full orchestra and board of governors take a look at it, that is one details of the contract will come out. the musicians will return to the stage tomorrow night at
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davies symphony hall, for the first of a week-long series of free concert for stanford says those elementary school children. those of you had to guess it shows that were canceled because of the strike and either exchange them for an upcoming concert or get a refund. >> it was a scary scene for some drivers on high 880 yesterday as a bus crash ignited a blaze in vallejo. you can see here for was burning on the east on interstate 80. firefighters were able to quickly extinguished the fire but not before it spread to nearby trees and an apartment complex. authorities say the fire was up to 80 ft. high. the driver the bus was able to escape the vehicle about harm in no one else was hurt in the incident. >> 9:12 a.m. and a live look at san francisco from our roof on a van ness ave. we will be right back.
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>> big story coming out of wal-mart, they may try home delivery. >> it is basically called crowd sourcing. there eat legal issues that could pop up with that on top of that. they already have be warehouse like amazon has to
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do. this is all about getting your dollar. it is out there, the concept is there trying to get people more involved. i don't know if it will catch on the way wal-mart wants it to. a child may be in with air. i don't know. >> they will have to do background checks of customers before they can send them to your home. >> stocks are up 20% today. they came up in the mid 30's so low '40's. the engineer of the company is a very high and car. keep in mind a loss of the $5 million last quarter. if they are profitable to the tune of a million, not impressive. it
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is a good story. i have nothing against the company because they manufacture cars. and the hand, there are a manufacturer of cars. >> they will be building the motors for the new mercedes series, does that make you feel better? >> down the road. i think the public is finding general motors or ford research department for the future. >> housing their baseball stadium is more expensive? >> again, location, location, location. and real-estate, it is very true. also winner when a winner, the giants as the most visible part to live near in the nation. the bottom five are all losers, of kansas city royals, the braves, the birds, the pirates, the rangers. very cheap cost of housing.
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>> is amazing what to think about that area was like a few years ago. now that we have baseball starting today, we're talking about beer sales. >> it will give you 10 beers and arizona. it will only get you for a half or five years in boston. make your balls go further, drink and the parking lot. >> my financial planner told me to drink in the parking lot today. thank you. we are tracking areas of light rain this morning. a live look of the golden gate bridge. the roads are wet, be careful. storm tracker 4
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is shows year it is quiet and the south bay. it is in the east bay for the richmond area where i am tracking some light rain. oakland, be not and san leandro. we have green which means of light rain. crossing international boulevard, we're looking at wet roads out there. what creek in danville are distant areas of showers this morning. it is really like right now, headed up to the richmond area, san paolo as looking at some light rain as well. we doubt it's a really heavy showers for the rest of today but because of the rain, we have low visibility out toward sfo. the average delay is almost an hour this morning. satellite and radar shows a lot of the moisture is seat beating up from the south.
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it's creating a little bit of snow for our ski res a lot os starting to die out. as far as the moisture is concerned arrested today as a mixed bag. a stray showers to possibly with clouds out there. a lot of shower activity will be winding down and diminishing. chances for a shower will continue throughout the afternoon. good news for the baseball players and their fans and oakland. his request for, at 10:00 this morning out widespread rain but whspots of grain. beit 2:00 this afternoon, maybe some showers in the east bay but it will start to break up for some locations. by 6:00 tonight, most of us should be drying out for the evening commute. by 8:00 tonight, the clouds will really start to clear out and make way for more sunshine tomorrow.
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temperatures right now are fairly mild, 54 downtown san francisco, 58 hayward 54rd. highs for today, low 60s and downs of severance this bill, 59 have monday, up mid-60s for a sunnyvale, 67 for san jose. lower 60s richmond, not the upper sixties, sixties santa rosa, san rappels 60. baseball weather today, opening day mariners played the oakland a's at 7:05 p.m.. temperatures in the mid- 50s, and the rain chances will really be his bike tonight. i'm happy to report dry conditions for baseball. 7 day around the bay forecast patchy for for tomorrow morning, when moisture left over from yesterday's showers. when they looking dry and
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milder, the next chance for some rain is looking like thursday. be ready for more rate on thursday, we can use it. >> slowly improving our hot spots and these babies were in the highway 24 and he's sure freeway leading to the macarthur maze are both starting to thin out of bed. it is still have becoming pass what bridge on 24. is still heavy on 582 the maze. the bay bridge south, the backups are not that bad. drive times are improving. the right into san francisco is still sluggish for 1 01 northbound. the 280 ride is a little better as you come up from san jose avenue. coming up there daly city and past the 19th avenue exit. things are still a little sluggish bear from a john daly boulevard. at the bridges, the san mateo bridge had been a hot spot of the drive times are now of 11 minutes. the golden gate bridge, 1 01
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southbound ride as a relief and out for the trip and from marin county. >> 9:22 a.m. and we'll be back with more and a couple of minutes. a live look from our roof on van ness avenue in san francisco. we will be right back.
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[ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked.
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[ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ] >> new this morning, the national rifle association is set to announce its recommendations for preventing gun violence at schools tomorrow. the nra first announced the national school shield program in december in response to the new town conn school massacre. among the recommendations expected to be included in the report are the training of armed
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guards at schools and various legislative proposals for congress. a federal judge is set to rule on whether stockton will become the most populous city in the nation to enter bankruptcy protection today. the chapter 9 bankruptcy case is being closely monitored for the potential precedent setting implications. whether a federal bankruptcy law trump the california law that says that that's to the state pension fund must be honored. stockton is seeking to be false on the $165 million a barrel in 2007 to pay its calpers pension obligations. drilling is expected today after 9:00 a.m.. if it receives bankruptcy protection, the city begins a monthlong process of negotiations over debt repayment that some say could end up in the u.s. supreme court. yosemite's curry village is back open and ready for
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spring and summer visitors after being the sight of a deadly hantavirus outbreak last summer. the outbreak at the popular lodgings by killed 303 people and sickened 10 others, the viruses bed by rodent droppings. each year, thousands of people visit curry village which is made up of more than 400 campus and wood cabinets. the tents where the hanta virus infections were found art and what's called the signature series cabins. the park service crews remove more than 90 of those cabins in an effort to permanently stop the disease from spreading. there also cleaning the other cabins and working to educate visitors about how the virus spreads. >> we have seen rain overnight and it is trying to move out. it may pick up later but right now we haven't seen traffic and weather coverage will be come back.
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>> the time is 938 >> we have a hot spot on the
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bay bridge. it is still quite heavily backed up, the 880 approach is backed up nearly all the way over the toll plaza of the bridge. the approach both from the westbound and eastbound side. it is so heavy coming out of the macarthur maze. is that the sale bridge had been a hot spot that is not any longer. the drive time is as good as it gets and 11 minutes. for the golden gate bridge, problems free across the span. a little wet as you come southbound. no problems out there marin county. >> we're tracking showers this morning, storm tracker force showing areas of light rain mainly in the east bay and also the richmond area. richmond, oakland parts of walnut creek in danville looking at light rain. we saw some yellow earlier but no yellow now. rather easily
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into walnut creek in danville, san ramon and just some cells. spotty showers at best for those locations. i have talked about richmond and san paolo and pinole. we also have some light rain. the rest of today, carry umbrellas because we have a slight chance of showers. as we continue to the day, our chances diminish. more details of your forecast in another round of rain coming this way and the seven day. >> we're going back to san jose will be wal-mart man what ran through the store and was attacking people. it started yesterday morning at around 11:00 in san jose. >> customers as morning are reminded about what happened because you can see it is
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all boarded up and people have to walk around. there employees' right there with cash registers and they are nervous to be here. it there in the line of fire. this went down at yesterday's easter sunday morning with several people inside. we just got our hands on his mug shot, he is 33 years old and this is from the san jose police department. his name is haamid zaid and being charged with assault with a deadly weapon and also under the influence of drugs at the time. they still do not know why he did this. this oldsmobile cutlass was driving around a parking lot before he decided to plow into the store. he almost got several cars outside. there is a beer stand at the inside that stop them from driving all the way through. he'd got out of his car and started attacking an employee and several customers. we had a chance
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to talk to one of the men that held arrest him. here's what he had to say. >> he was standing there swing and that metal object at people. he was trying to get away. he was and i hurried to get out that door or in the door he did fine. and like you said he was stuck in his car? >> yes he was stuck and the car. he did i get out so he smashed out the passenger window finally and crawl out of it. i thought he was last up and i walked up and he walked off. i did said something to him, one of the employees and he smacked him in the head. >> before he had the employee, you thought this was an accident? >> i thought it was an accident at first. >> on any other day, he would not get through because there were shopping carts here. for whatever reason, the stabbing cards or not there in that is how he was able to drive through. he went through the columns there and a hard
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right turn into the store. he still could not drive through directly because you did see those barriers there as well. the employee that was attack was led listed in serious condition of his employees have said they have spoken with him and he should be just fine. >> authorities have name to bay area man in connection with the theft of more than $1 million in gold from the siskiyou county court house historical collection. arrest warrants have been issued for 49 year-old david dean and johnson of el cerrito and 51 year-old scott waned the lead of else the brown tape. the two broken to the gold collection and eureka in february 2012. >> 3 been recovering after
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being attacked with a knife at a party in rather part. it happened as before midnight on saturday, police were called out the out party was more than 100 people there. officers grabbed partygoers are aware that a fight broke out moments earlier. about two hours later, police received a call that the santa rosa and contra costa county kaiser emergency rooms reporting that three patients had knife wounds and reported that the was at the same party. >> in antioch, 7 year-old boy is recovering this morning after being shot in the backyard of a home during a family barbecue. police said the boy was hit by a single bullet when a gunman opened fire on the gathering from a nearby overpass a little over four on saturday after them. investigators say the boys is said to be okay and i believe he was the intended target. is san pablo woman suffered severe burns over the weekend when she re-entered burning at home to rescue her cat. the fire started on 12th street on sunday morning. when firefighters arrived, they saw heavy smoke and fire showing
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through out the one story home. freeborn initially able to escape without being injured but the woman went back inside the tighter risky to pets. firefighters rebel to retrieve one cat, but the second one died of smoke inhalation. >> the lesson and is in the seattle mariners are in oakland for tonight's opening day match up with the a.l. west champion a's. it is fitting that hernandez will make his season debut against the athletics. strange as it sounds, hernandez base in the a's on opening day three times last season and first in the opening game in tokyo, again in seattle 2012 est. schofield debut, then once more back in oakland for the a's home opener. the a's will send erett andersen's amounts of space the mariners. for is that tonight at the zero dacko coliseum is that seven of 5:00 p.m.. meanwhile as sampras as good guys start their season. they will play the l.a. dodgers to a want ad daughter stadium. the giants will be facing as a was cardinals for their
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homeowner opener at at&t park on friday. >> usa to regulators are investigating complaints that resistance and frames can rest in cause failures on how i sonata midsize cars. --dai. the problem of facts about 393,000 cars from 2006 to 2008 model years. the national highway traffic safety administration says it has received six complaints of suspension failures with three happening at highway speeds. the agency says the rest in the frame can cost control arm failures. no crashes or injuries were reported. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
9:39 am
it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers. fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> silicon valley companies are expanding and improving their headquarters to recruit new talent. the high-tech companies in silicon valley are trying to make the workplace more fun and exciting. apple's
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planned spaceship headquarters there be a world-class auditorium, and an orchard for engineers to wander in. faced with is putting final touches on the disney inspired campus including a main street with a barbecue shack, as is the house and a bike shop. new silicon valley headquarters or expenses are under way at most of the area's major firms, including ebay, intel, lincoln, microsoft, netflix, head of the at and oracle. abel's 107 6 a. campus will be one of the world's largest workplaces. [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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(male announcer) stanley roberts found some people behaving badly... >> i was behaving badly
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>> he got you at 86 >> that's what he says. >> there were a few people got be having badly today in operation drive safe on highway 24 today. it is the enforcement connected by contra costa county office of california highway patrol. at high speeds that can be in any way because usually they're using the whole freeway back and forth. the driver of these red said sandra was clocked at 88 mi. per hour and 65. the motor units conducting be enforceable the drive over and has a chat with him athey goes back to grab his ticket book. i have the driver why he was driving so fast his answer >> i was going with the flow of traffic >> the next card was the gun goes from 86 to 88, '89 and '90. yes the driver of this
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bmw was doing 90 and 65. >> are you the reason i stopped was for the speed you can see your driver's license member of insurance. >> the driver looked for his neighbor's lovers explains how he was caught >> as you're coming toward us about a quarter mile that we were sitting there i got you on radar at 188 once at 98 and once at 90. so you're a bad the problem is on highway its 24 list of as >> just got a call for 100 mi. per hour going eastbound >> i needed to talk to the driver >> are you doing at the >> why? >> yet it's important for you to give life to jesus christ >> how? what? >> so you crash at 90 would be giving your light to the lord really quick. >> ang lee was issued a ticket for going 88.
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>> at the ready to give for 90 they was suspended license. >> his eyes a ticket but not before one final thought, if you do crashed and died at least to be in the presence of god to give life to christ and do not speed did you kill somebody maybe you go to the other place. >> other drivers were also caught this driver is going 86 in as a was this one but she swears she was it >> it turns out is not teenagers who are testing and driving. their parents are actually much worse. >> people tried to justify that there is not a lot of traffic or they're not speeding or they're at a light. we have to be able to react to what other drivers do and we do not know how distracted they are. they really does need to put the phone down and focus on driving. >> a new survey on at&t's
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found that most adult users admitted to taxing and driving. of the adult, 98 percent of say they know is on say. 60 percent said they did not attack to drive three years ago and 40 percent admit is a habit. sending or c receiving a text message takes driver's eyes off the road for average of 4.6 seconds. if you were in driving 55 mi. an hour, it would be like driving with their eyes closed for the length of a football field. and on any time you take your eyes off the road, you are reducing the ability to control the vehicle but 90 percent. >> watching traffic, we have a lot of hot spots and the rain. >> painfully, things of cleaned up pretty nicely. traffic is still at the bay bridge toll plaza. it is coming through the macarthur
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maze. that is the worst of it, want to get through the maze back up at the toll plaza things are rapidly improving. the 880 approach is backed up, i do i expected to be after 10:15 a.m.. i think it will be completely cleared out by then. at the san mateo bridge, it was a hot spot but no longer. an easy ride with 11 minute commute time. the golden gate bridge ride has been problem free all morning long. visibility has improved and the deck appears to be drying out. >> we are staring at storm tracker 4, it has been a busy morning. we have areas of green, light rain mainly in the east bay. storm tracker 4 shows us around, morocco and lafayette light rain and that is also impacting the roads out there. no more yellow indicating moderate to heavy
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rain. for walnut creek and danville, just areas of rain this morning. it is not widespread. headed to san paolo and else lebron say you have wet weather as well. are the next several hours this last of for the next sampras got international delays are averaging and power. satellite pictures showing us that most of the picture coming and from the south of this time. -- moisture for the rest of today, expecting breaks in sunshine. also hit and miss showers. soured chances are decreasing out throughout the day however. 10:00 this morning, it is spotty showers and maybe a little aggressive for 10:00. in the noon hour, is our chance to stick around through lines. we will start to see some
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breaks in some locations by 2:00. we will start to really dry things out especially for the brought down town area and the south bay. by 6:00 this evening, most of us should be dry. the drive to be problem free. at 8:00 this evening, we're done with the showers. there may be some fog tomorrow morning with all of the moisture of the ground. temperatures right now 57 and redwood city, up 56 at san mateo. most of us are in the mid fifties at the moment. highs for today, low 60s downtown stamford says bill, 67 at san jose, 68 antioch, 68 richmond, oakland 65, daly city upper 60s. baseball weather, opening day mariners owners of the oakland a's starting at 7:05 p.m.. temperatures should be around 57, expect
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partly cloudy conditions, maybe some patchy fog and some light winds. the good news is the rain should be out of here by that time. 7 day around the bay forecast shows a little milder tomorrow, maybe some fog tomorrow morning. wednesday, looking dry partly cloudy and high around 74. the next as for some rain that is it really late wednesday after midnight and impacting much of thursday. it will be a little cooler. the weekend is also looking to be a little unsettled. >> 90 3:00 a.m. and we will be back with more in a couple of minutes. a live look at the golden gate bridge, it is looking a little better. [ teen ] times are good, aren't they, kids?
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9:55 am
it's nice having u-verse, isn't it? see back in my day, we didn't have these newfangled wireless receivers.
9:56 am
fangled? no, we watched march madness in the living room... that's where the tv outlet was. what is he talking about? and if mom was hosting her book club that day, guess missed it! we couldn't just move the tv all willy-nilly all over the house. ohh! ohh! kids today have it so good. ok. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. call to get u-verse tv starting at $19 a month for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible.
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>> thank you for watching us, we will be back tomorrow starting at 4:00 a.m.. >> dr. phil is coming up.
9:58 am
[ birds chirping ] [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ]
9:59 am
[ seagulls squawking ] i'm i'still claritin clear ! ! i've bveeen claritin clear for 12 days ! when yenour allergies start, doctors orrecommend taking one clinically-proven claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 day ds ! 17 day ds !! i'm still claritin clear ! 22 day ds of continuous relief.. live cvelaritin clear. everevy day. now atw walmart, get your claritin bonus pack, 10 ext era days of relief at a rollback price. earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. go. ♪ keep on going in this direction. take this bridge over here. there it is! [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] earn points with the citi thankyou card and redeem them for just about anything.


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